July 14, 2011


The theme for tonight is contemporary.  Graffiti is often contemporary. Commonly associated with bad things—gangs, vandalism, and such.  However, in its proper place, it can be fascinating and even beautiful. This picture was taken on the way to a beach.  It seemed that it was allowed for people to put their mark on this cement slab.  It has become a place that people seem excited to see what it will be like the next time they visit. 


  1. This one shows a lot of depth, how long before someone else's artwork replaces it?

  2. Ive also seen lots of "good" grafitti and it often brightens up boring places. The sad thing is when others put their ugly tags over. This one is great with the soft pink in th emiddle of the black

  3. Excellent capture of this piece of art.
    I wish there were some around here but small towns don't exactly encourage it.
    You've cropped it perfectly so it makes sense AND flows beyond the edges.
    Love it.

  4. We have "sanctioned vandalism" here, murals painted on large walls by volunteer artists with permits. We do not, however, have anything of this caliber. We just get the crummy gang tags. This is really pretty!

  5. Great shot and a unique interpretation of this theme.

  6. as you mentioned graffiti can be a beautiful art fort in the proper context. great shot.

  7. I hope the balance holds between expression and vandalism.
    (have you had trouble with spam? it takes a while on my not fast connection to jump through the verifier.)
